Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Summer Classes

Make a Mountain Dulcimer
Wednesday, June 23rd, 10:00AM-2:00PM
You will make and learn the basics of playing a 3 string mountain dulcimer. The body/soundboard of the dulcmier is made from heavyduty cardboard with wood fret board, preinstalled frets and geared tuning pegs. The dulcimer is a versatile instrument that is easy to learn to play. You can play beautiful melodies and also play chords for accompanying singing. This class is for ages 14-adult, although a younger student and an adult may register as a team. The cost includes all materials including an instruction/songbook, a pick, a noter and a plastic rainbag. Bring your lunch. Class limit is 5.

Ukulele Crash Course
Saturday, June 26th, 10:00AM-1:00PM
$28.00 (+ $50.00 if you want to purcahse a ukulele)
You will learn basic chords, strumming patterns and how to transpose any song into a ukulele friendly key. You'll have fun making music with others. The cost of $28.00 includes a instruction/songbook. If you need a ukulele, the cost is an additional $50.00 for a nice sounding Lanikai soprano ukulele. I have one ukulele available to borrow for the day. Class limit is 8. Ages 14-adult

Everybody Sing: A Class for Shy and Non-Singers
Mondays, 5:30-6:30 PM June 7, 14, 21, July 5,12 and one more date that suits all of the class members
This is a continuing class. New students are welcome. You'll have fun developing your singing voice as you learn practical music theory and sight singing skills. Class limit is 8. Ages 14-adult