Tuesday, January 28, 2025

Music of the Universe Songbook

I recorded these songs in 200-2008 when I taught K-5 music at Saint Patrick School in Charlotte, North Carolina. You can listen to all of the songs and download the PDF of the songbook. Enjoy!

PDF Music of the Universe Songbook

Friday, February 3, 2023

Traveling Chimes - Make New Friend But Keep the Old

I cut these chimes from discarded tent poles.  The supports are made of bamboo from the woods near our house.  They can be set up along a sidewalk or in a circle.  The chimes are spaced so that, if you walk at a steady pace, it will play a song.  They are traveling chimes because you play the song by traveling and because they can travel to you!

Happy New Year 2023!  I don't update this blog much anymore as I mostly post my new projects on Instagram and Youtube.  You can follow me there @carolraedy.  
Here's my newest traveling chimes song:

Friday, January 7, 2022

A New Year Song - Walking Chimes

I love to make things from discarded materials and bring them new life. These chimes were made from discarded metal tent poles. The supports are bamboo from the woods near my house. I cut the pipes to make a C pentatonic scale. The chimes are spaced so that when you walk you play a song. The gaps are the rests.  I used metal coat hangers to hang them.  They are tied in place with curling ribbon.  This is easy to remove so that I can change the song periodically.  Enjoy the song and the new year!

Thursday, August 6, 2020

Musical Marble Falls

These photos are from August 6, 2020.  The video is from back in April when I made this little interactive exhibit in my yard during the stay at home orders due to Covid-19.  I had fun being home and working in the yard.  Most of the flower seeds I planted did not come up, but the volunteer grass has filled in.

Wednesday, May 15, 2019

Kaleidoscopes at Mint Museum

I'll be making kaleidoscope at the Mint Museum's Sunday Funday event this Sunday with folks from MakeSpace Charlotte.  Admission to the museum is free for kids and only $6.00 for adults.  Click here for more info and directions to the museum.  Click here for Kaleidoscope making instructions.

Wednesday, December 6, 2017

Music of the Universe Songbook

I have recently uploaded these songs that I recorded 20 years ago when I was a classroom music teacher and leading music workshops in Charlotte area schools.  You can listen and download the music from SoundCloud.  You can also download a PDF of the songbook below.  Contact me if you would like a hard copy of the songbook.